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Academic grading broken down as follows:


10% quizzes (vocab, lit, and grammar)
30% exams (periodic lit exams, and two grammar finals)
40% papers (essays and independent study project)
10% class work (study guides, etc.)
10% listening and speaking


Grading Standards (aligned with CHS English Department):*


99-100 = A+

92-98.99 = A 

90-91.99 = A-


88-89.99 = B+

82-87.99 = B

80-81.99 = B-


78-79.99 = C+

72-77.99 = C

70-71.99 = C-


68-69.99 = D+

62-67.99 = D

60-61.99 = D-


below 60 = F  


*as per English department standards, grades do not round up. 

Late work: will be accepted one day late only, for 50%. For example, if you were absent on a Tuesday, your work would be due on the Wednesday (even if you wouldn't be back in class until Thursday). For excused absences, when work is assigned before the absence, work is due the day the student returns to class. For work assigned during the excused absence, students have the number of days absent plus one day to get the make-up work in. For late work submitted electronically, students must email me and let me know which assignment was turned in and for which period, and this email must be sent the day you submit the late work, otherwise the work will not be entered into the student’s grade because I wont see it. Work not turned in due to unexcused absences is not accepted.  Please know that family trips, club sports tournaments or showcases, being stranded at an airport (or anywhere else), having car problems, etc. are NOT excused absences. Please view the district handout for the full list of what is and isn’t excused.

Exams missed must be taken the day the student returns to class. 

Quizzes missed must be taken at a support period within one week of the missed quiz; it is the student's responsibility to ask for the quiz, not the teacher's responsibility to remind students.


Late work essays: Because essays are such an important part of your grade, essays will be accepted late with a one grade reduction for each day late, up until the F @ 59% -- if the essay submitted completes the requirements of the paper, the student may earn the 59% no matter how late the paper is up to the last two weeks before finals if the essay completes the requirements of the paper. If the essay submitted does not complete the requirements of the paper, no credit will be given. Be aware that late essays will not receive comments or a rubric, only a grade. For the first essay grade only, if a student earns below a B, the first essay may be excused if the second essay is a full grade better than the first.

You may NOT use AI to help you write your paper unless an AI assignment is given by the teacher. Using AI will be considered plagiarism.

Essay expectations: Essays that make no effort to use MLA style will not be passing papers, and essays with weak efforts at MLA style will only be able to earn a C. Essays that utilize first or second person will not be able to earn above a C. Essays with no effort to integrate quotes will not pass. Essays with integration using any form of he said/she said will only earn a C. Using contractions will earn only a C.

Ground Rules:

Plagiarism/academic honesty: work that is plagiarized will not be accepted for credit, and a note about the incident will be placed in the student's record. No make-up opportunities will be offered for plagiarized work or work on which cheating occurred. For assignments plagiarized from another student, both students will receive a zero on the assignment and a note on their record—for this reason, students should NEVER share/show their work to a fellow student to give them an “example.” If a student needs help and an example, the appropriate way is either to find an online example or to ask the teacher. In my 24 years+ experience, a student who asks a fellow student to see their paper "just to see an example" ALWAYS plans to copy all or a portion of the paper. Students must protect themselves by politely refusing and suggesting other more appropriate resources.

It is the student's job to check the web page daily and get work in when absent. Checking google classroom is insufficient, as only electronically submitted work will be visible there, not other homework such as watching a video, reading an article, or doing work on study sync.


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