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    Daily Agendas English I H

8/21 Wednesday

1. Introductions

2. Seating charts

3. Web page address and google classroom codes

4. Parent signature letter


a. return parent letter signature

b. class expectations quiz moved to Monday

c. Pamphlet project due next class

d. Quiz on summer reading (classic)--easy if you read it ;)

8/23 Friday Block

1. Pamphlet project due

2. Parent signature due

3. Class expectations quiz (moved to Monday)

4. Seating chart formalized--include name of your summer reading classic

5. Plagiarism: video

6. Plagiarism packet--finish for homework and post to GC .

   Cut and paste the document into a google doc so you can type on it;

   put your responses in a different color font, no yellow or pink

7. Quiz on Classic summer work

8. Table discussions on summer reading


a. quote sheets due in hard copy--remove any explanatory material from your quote list--you may have only the quotes

to use on the essay

b. finish plagiarism packet and post to GC by midnight tonight

c. class expectations quiz moved to Monday--know late work policies and attendance policies

8/26 Monday Traditional

1. Themes vs. Thematic Thesis statements, Character development, and Conflict essay statements.

2. One paragraph essay format




3. Create an outline for your will not be able to use it when writing, but knowing ahead what

    your main proof ideas will be will help your get the writing done in the required time frame.

4. class expectations quiz on late work and attendance policies


a. Summer reading essay is coming up--second block this week--be thinking about a potential thesis for each category

    (character development, thematic, conflict) that you can prove in three steps.

b. Bring with you to class the information needed for a works cited entry for your classic novel

    if you read a book you held in your hand, you'll need: author's full name, title of the book, city of publication,

    publisher name, date of publication.  

   if you read it online, you'll need: author's full name, title of the book, web site address (url) and the date you

    accessed it.

   if you read it as an e-book, you'll need: author's full name, title of the book, publisher's name, date of publication,

   and name of specific reader or device (such as  Kindle or Nook).

c. Bring your summer reading quote sheets with you

    (finalized copy free of commentary due second block this week).

8/28 Wednesday Block

1. MLA formatting

2. Create (in hard copy) your works cited page for your essay (if you read it online, see "a page on a web site";

   if you read it from an e-book, see "an e book"; if you read it in a book help in your hand, see "basic format for a book"

   and save for later

3. Rubric for your essay--review





4. Planning your essay

   (thematic essay)..

   post outline with thesis,

   and claims and quotes

   without integration;

   but not add your analysis

   and concluding to the new completed essay outline in GC



5. Quote integration:


a. Bring lined paper for your essay--you'll only be able to write on one side.

b. Quote sheet due---this may only have 15 one sentence quotes per topic (15 one sentence quotes for character,

    15 one sentence quotes for theme, and 15 one sentence quotes for one type of conflict). No explanatory reminders


c. bring your works cited page printed to attach to your handwritten essay.

8/30 Friday Block

1. Write your thematic essay--must be readable--double spaced, MLA style,use one side of paper,

    pen only (no pencil) and attach to the back: works cited, quote sheet.

2. Using this link, read the Prologue and the entire first act of Romeo and Juliet in modern English first, and then

    in Shakespeare's language. Be ready to discuss next class.


a. Finish reading the prologue and act 1 scenes 1-5 of Romeo and Juliet. Read the modern version first,

    then read Shakespeare's version and compare as you go.

weekly announcements:


9/4 Wednesday Block

1. Romeo and Juliet introduction:

2. Act 1 quote support--for each prompt, cut and paste a quote that proves/answers the prompt,

    then post to GC.

3. Choose a DEI (diversity/equity/inclusion) nonfiction book from the media center...

    show teacher before you begin--must be pre-approved as grade level appropriate.

    Due to show teacher Monday.

4. Begin vocabulary study--be able to spell, define, and use in a sentence the week 1 words--

    cumulative quizzes begin Monday (each week quizzed on two new words and any two old words.

    From this page, hover over English IH and click on vocabulary---words begin with "alliteration" to

   "figurative language."


a. Read Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet in modern English, then read it in Shakespeare's language

    know background in power point and be familiar with what happens in play, who says and does what,

    and be ready to identify who said important quotes and what they mean.

    expect short quiz on Acts 1-2 first block next week

b. study vocabulary, first week's batch, quiz Monday

c. Choose a grade level appropriate DEI nonfiction book from media center and bring to class for approval Monday

9/6 Friday Block

1. Type up your essay, MLA stye, and submit to google classroom during this period.

    Hand your handwritten copy back in.

2. Begin work on the Romeo and Juliet quote guide for Act 2

​    (these quotes will feature heavily on the exam)


3. Read through the answer key for the Act 1 quote guide

​    (these quotes will feature heavily on the exam)


a. if you don't finish Act 2 quotes, it's not homework--we'll finish Monday

b. study for vocab quiz

c. have your ORB to show me Monday

weekly announcements:

9/9 Monday Traditional

1. vocab quiz

2. ORB approval

3. Finish Romeo and Juliet Act 2 guide and post to GC

4. Read Act 3


a. Finish above work (post At 2 and read Act 3)

b. Act 2-3 quiz next class

c. For those working on summer work, be aware work is due end of this month, 9/27

9/11 Wednesday Block

1. Romeo and Juliet Act 2-3 quiz

2. Romeo and Juliet film

3. Romeo and Juliet Act 3 quote guide--complete for homework


a. Finish Romeo and Juliet Act 3 guide

b. vocabulary study

9/13 Friday Block

1. Romeo and Juliet film

2. Read through the answer key to the Romeo and Juliet quote guide Acts 2-3

3. Watch the Dire Straits music video of Romeo and Juliet:,vid:rC95MEenIxA,st:0

4. Read Romeo and Juliet Act 4:


a. Finish reading Romeo and Juliet Act 4

b. Study for vocab quiz batches 1-2 Monday

c. be reading your ORB

weekly announcements:

9/17 Monday Traditional

1. vocab 1-2 quiz

2. Answer the quote guide for Romeo and Juliet Act 4:


a. Finish above work and post to GC by midnight Tuesday night 9/17

b. begin study of vocab # 3

9/18 Wednesday Block

1. Romeo and Juliet film

2. Read Romeo and Juliet act 5

3. Read answer key for Act 4

4. Answer the Act 5 quote guide and post to GC


a. Finish Act 5 quotes and post to GC by midnight

weekly announcements:

9/20 Friday Block

1. Crash Course # 1 Romeo and Juliet:

   Crash Course # 2 Romeo and Juliet:

   take notes and post to GC

2. Thug notes:

   take notes and post to GC

3. Dr. Aidan's Romeo and Juliet:

    begin taking notes---save and we'll finish notes next week


a. Essay rewrites--due 9/29 to new assignment on GC "Second Attempt Essay Redos"

b. vocab 1-3 quiz

c. review answer key for Act 5 quote guide:

d. be studying Romeo and Juliet

    for exam end of next week

weekly announcements:

9/23 Monday Traditional

1. vocab 1-3 quiz

2. Dr. Aidan notes--take and post to GC

3. Make a copy of each of the 5 act quote answer keys and put into one google doc;

   bring to next class to use to add notes


a. begin study of vocab 4

b. bring R and J document (see # 3 above) to class for lecture notes

c. bring student ID to check out next book

d. be working on your ORB  book:

write a fictional interview, in which you create an interviewer and interviewees; format like a play script, and make sure your questions and answers cover all the main material in your book. Depth and thoughtfulness matter.

Remember that though you are writing fiction (made up interviews) you need to reveal the facts you learned from the book you read. You can use direct quotes for your answers if you cite author and page number, but quotes

from the book are not necessary.


John Doe, interviewer: What did you learn from your research?

Casey Smith, interviewee: Through reading Roland Fryer, I learned that though blacks aren't killed by police more often than whites, they are subjected to more violence when being arrested.

Due end of November

Romeo and Juliet exam first block next week

9/25 Wednesday Block

1. Romeo and Juliet review--exam first block day next week

2. Check out A Sun is Not  a Star and read pages 1-33


a. study vocab 4--quiz Monday on 1-4

b. read A Sun is not a Star p. 1-33

weekly announcements:

9/27 Friday Block

1. Study Sync Benchmark 1

from your district email, click on the square box of 9 dots in the upper left to get a drop down box

    in the drop down box, click on McGraw Hill

    click on study sync

    click on launch study sync

    click on benchmark 1 (if there are more then one benchmark 1s, it doesn't matter--choose either and take it

    make sure to finish submitting when done

2. Read the article at the following site:

    Now write a thoughtful, 1-2 page double spaced response, giving your thoughts on fate and how

    it does or does not apply to your detailed and specific and provide evidence from your

    life/news to support your thinking. Give it a title and an MLA heading...see MLA sample paper--post to GC


a. study vocab 1-4 for quiz Monday

b. Study Romeo and Juliet for exam first block next week

c. if you didn't get the new book until today, catch up on the reading (p. 1-33)

d. finish the Fate response above and post to GC by midnight Saturday

e. Finish the benchmark by midnight Friday if you didn't finish in class

9/30 Monday Traditional

1. vocab 1-4 quiz

2. Read pages 34-81 (since your pages may be slightly different than mine, read THROUGH the "Daniel" chapter that begins "Area Boy Attempts to Use Science to Get the Girl"


a. finish reading above

b. begin study of vocab batch 5

c. bring The Sun is Also a Star to class every day

d. Romeo and Juliet exam tomorrow---study quote guides and Dr. Aidan's theme videos (fate, hate, death, and love)

10/2 Wednesday Block

1. Romeo and Juliet Exam

2. Read The Sun is also a Star, pages 82-105  (THROUGH "Love, a Chemical History")


a. vocab 1-5 quiz Monday

b. finish reading above

weekly announcements:

10/7 Monday Traditional

1. Vocab 1-5 quiz

2. Watch the video clip Big Bang Theory "Penny and Sheldon's Love Experiment"

3. Now in your table groups, go around the table with each question and answer

    only the first set of questions from the document to the right:


a. Go to the "references" section of the web page and read the document on Essay Hooks (how to write them)

b. Read in The Sun is also a Star pages 106-131(Through "Hair: an African American History")

c. Exam on the Academic Vocabulary batches 1-5 Monday next week

Summer reading classic book quiz makeups second block this week

You will NEED a lap top for class on Wednesday for the CAASPP...don't forget to bring it and have it charged

10/9 Wednesday Block

1. Standardized testing

2. read the article at the following link, take a few notes and

post to GC:

3. Read SAS pages 132-161 (THROUGH "The Waitress")


a. finish The Sun is also a Star reading above

b. finish assignment on "Black Hair and an Unjust Society" and submit by tomorrow midnight

c. watch election video sent to your district email t prepare to vote tomorrow

*summer classic reading quiz makeups next class

weekly announcements:

10/11 Friday Block

1. PSAT check

2. Make ups for summer reading classic quiz

3. Study sync "Hope is a Thing with Feathers" - read, do the think responses and the writing prompt---use integrated quote  

    support for all.

4. Study sync: "In Between Cultures: a Granddaughter's Advantage"

5. SAS reading: 162-201 (THROUGH "Fate: a History")


a. finish above work

b. finish reading

c. vocab final (matching only) Monday

10/14 Monday Traditional

1. Academic Vocab final--matching

2. Read The Sun is also a Star  p.162-201


a. finish above reading

10/16 Wednesday Block

1. "Hair Love" video:

2. Go to the link and read the poem "To Those of My Sisters Who Kept their Naturals" by

    Gwendolyn Brooks.

    Definitions you may need:

    rouch or rouche: (ruːʃ ) noun. a strip of pleated or frilled lawn, lace, etc, used to

    decorate blouses, dresses, etc, or worn around the neck like a small ruff as in the 16th century.

    Collins English Dictionary.

    seal: a piece of wax, lead, or other material with an individual design stamped into it, attached to a

    document to show that it has come from the person who claims to have issued it.

    Oxford Languages.

    Blondine: noun, a bleach for the hair, or a person who bleached their hair.


    Hot Comb: noun, a tool used for straightening black hair, brought to the US from France by black hair care entrepreneur

    and first black woman millionaire Madame CJ Walker.

    Visuals you may find helpful:

    Photo link to Marilyn Monroe:


    Photo link of Farrah Fawcett

    Now in your table groups, discuss the following questions, going around the table for each question

    so everyone's ideas are shared. (This is part of your listening and speaking grade--conversation is

    required ;)

    a. if you were to choose a single word that conveys the most meaning for you in the poem, what is it and why

        does it stand out for you?

    b. What do you think is the purpose of the multiple back and forth ideas in the poem, e.g. erect and bent, stern and kind,

        withhold and extend, loud and soft, old and young?

    c. in the line "But oh the rough dark Other music!" why do you think the word "other" is capitalized, and what

       do you think is its meaning?

    d. What do you think is the meaning of the line "The natural Respect of Self and Seal!"

3. "Where are You From" video:

4. Now go to Study Sync and complete all parts of the assignment for "Where are You From?"

    (district email, 9 dot square, McGraw Hill, launch Study Sync, click on assignment).

    Read prompts carefully and use integrated quote support for any questions that ask for

    textual evidence.

5. Read in The Sun is Also a Star pages 202-217 (THROUGH "Natasha Kingsley, a Daughter's History")


a. finish the above

* Everyone will need a College Board Account for the PSAT on Wednesday. If you've taken/are taking an AP class,

   you should already have one, but make sure you have an account before this coming Wednesday.

   Go to

   It's recommended that you use a private email rather than a school email, since this account will follow you through

   your high school career, but if you change schools or move, you wont be able to continue to use current school


weekly announcements:

10/18 Friday Block

1 Study Sync: "Fate Slew Him" -- complete the work, use one piece of integrated quote support

   per "Think" question when asked for evidence, follow word count for writing assignment.

2. Study Sync "Luck is not Chance"

3. Read in The Sun is also a Star pages 218-248 (Through "Daniel")



a. finish above

10/21 Monday Block

1. PSAT video prep

2. Study Sync "A Raisin in the Sun" SS TV

3. Study Sync "A Raisin in the Sun"Think" responses

4. Read in SAS --finish the novel

5. SAS film


a. finish above

b. Essay prep--come up with a thematic thesis sentence for SAS and post to GC.

    Remember a thematic thesis sentence needs the title, type of work (novel), and author's full name,

    as well as a message of the book stated without mention of character names or events--see

    thematic thesis statements review on "References" section of class web page

College essay writing workshop Thursday:

10/25 Friday Block

1. SAS film

2. SAS--on a new document, give your thesis, and underneath the thesis your three claims, each in it's own

   sentence, numbered 1 for thesis, 2 for claim 1, 3 for claim 2, and 4 for claim 3, double spaced.

3. Now find three quotes, one to back each claim, and underneath the claim it goes with, write the one sentence

   quote, not integrated--just the one sentence quote (and not 2-3 sentence)

   post to GC


a. vocab 1 quiz

b. finish above

weekly announcements:

10/28 Monday Traditional

1. vocab 1 quiz

2. SAS film


a. begin study of vocab 2

*bring print out of your thesis, 3 claims and 3 quotes next class

10/30 Wednesday Block

1. Essay on SAS


a. vocab 1-2 quiz next week

b. read in The Odyssey "The Voyage" and "The Cyclops" (through page 750)

    quiz next class

weekly announcements:


11/4 Monday Traditional

1. caaspp

2. vocab 1-2 quiz

3. Read pages 752-766 in The Odyssey:


a. finish above

b. study vocab 1-3

11/6 Wednesday Block

1. Watch the Odyssey videos below and take some notes on each and post to GC

2. Now watch the film version of the Odyssey (watch until time stamp 1: 01, where Odysseus is going to

    find Circe):

3. Read further in the Odyssey, pages 766-775


a. finish above

b. read through the question and response about Circe:

weekly announcements:


11/8 Friday Block

1. Study Sync: Black Ships Before Troy

2. Study Sync: Literary History: the Epic and the Epic Hero

3. Read in Odyssey through page 782


a. vocab 1-3 quiz

11/13 Wednesday Block

1. vocab 1-3 quiz

2. Odyssey film:

3. Finish reading the Odyssey (783-791):


a. study vocab 4--1-4 quiz next week

b. Odyssey exam coming

weekly announcements:

11/15 Friday Block

1. Odyssey Film

2. Study Sync: No Man's Land: One Man's Odyssey Through the Odyssey

3. John Green Odyssey video:


a. vocab quiz 1-4

b. read through the Odyssey themes:

c. be finishing your ORB

11/18 Monday Traditional

1. vocab 1-4 quiz

2. Watch the following videos, take notes from each, and post notes to GC:

    (know the big basics--titan's vs. gods, special attention to anything related to the Iliad/Odyssey--Athena,

    Troy, etc.)

    (know gods/demigods/heroes; special attention to anything related to the Iliad/Odyssey--Athena,

    Troy, etc., what the pantheon tells us about the Greeks)


a. finish above

b. begin study of vocab 5

c. work on ORB due before winter break---see details in the document to right

11/20 Wednesday Block

1. Odyssey film

2. for the following videos, take notes and post to GC

    The 12 Olympian Gods

      Where did they Go?

     Greek Gods Family Tree


a. finish above

weekly announcements:

11/22 Friday Block

1. Open the doc to the right, read instructions, and begin work; post what you have to GC at end of class period

2. Now read Tennyson's poem about Odysseus, "Ulysses":

   and write a longish paragraph telling how:

   a. how Ulysses/Odysseus sees himself as a hero

   b. how the poet sees a less-than-heroic version of the character---

   use quote support from the poem to back your ideas


a. none

12/2 Monday Traditional

1. Read about the Trojan war--the precursor to the Odyssey, and take some notes for yourself, particularly about

    any characters you meet in the Odyssey and the basic reason for the war that takes Odysseus so far from home:

2. Read through these examples pf personal narratives to see what they are like

    Narrative writing--read these examples:


a. study for vocab 1-5 second block this week

b. be studying Odyssey material for exam

c. be working on ORB

12/4 Wednesday Block


2. Read through these links to see how to effectively write different aspects of a personal narrative essay:

Show vs. Tell:

Character Development:

Dialogue writing:

3. Now, watch this video, and write down the 8 points you'll need for your story arc, and write (handwritten

    on  a paper you can hand in to me next period) your story arc--the blueprint you'll use to tell your story)

    (one sentence for each of the 8 points, no more)


a. finish above--story arc due next class--in essay category

b. vocab quiz next class (1-5)

c. be working on ORB

d. study for Odyssey Exam for finals before winter break

    The 12 Olympian Gods

      Where did they Go?

     Greek Gods Family Tree

    (know the big basics--titan's vs. gods, special attention to anything related to the Iliad/Odyssey--Athena,

    Troy, etc.)

    (know gods/demigods/heroes; special attention to anything related to the Iliad/Odyssey--Athena,

    Troy, etc., what the pantheon tells us about the Greeks)

    Study Sync: No Man's Land: One Man's Odyssey Through the Odyssey

                        Black Ships Before Troy

                        Epic Heroes

   John Green Odyssey video:

    Film version of Odyssey:



    Odyssey text:


weekly announcements:

12/6 Friday Block

1. vocab 1-5 quiz

2. Type your narrative and submit to GC (you will have one class day to add bells and whistles, but a complete draft

    must be submitted by end of class today.


a. study for Odyssey Exam--see agenda date 12/4 for detailed list for final study

b. ORB--due before winter break

c. study vocab 6, quiz Monday

12/9 Monday Traditional

1. vocab 1-6 quiz

2. Read through each section, and consider where in your narrative you will add such details/refinements

   (don't forget the items from agenda date 12/4 as well)


    figurative language:

     character development (different than 12/4):

    showing vs. telling (different into than 12/4):

3. Now read about how to punctuate dialogue

    (note: on their rule # says you do not have to start a paragraph with a direct quote---ignore this one item.

    It makes it very difficult to choose paragraph breaks correctly when you are first learning dialogue, so start

     with training wheels: for now, ALWAYS start with the dialogue of a new speaker.)


a. study for Odyssey Exam--see agenda date 12/4 for detailed list for final study

b. ORB--due before winter break

c. study vocab 7, quiz 1-7 Monday

*you'll be adding your bells and whistles to narrative first block this thinking about where you will

add refinements to your narrative

Don't forget tutoring center at lunch H207 if you need essay help, study help, etc.!

12/11 Wednesday Block

1. Essay revision--make it your best ;)

   1000 min--1200 max word count


a. study for Odyssey Exam--see agenda date 12/4 for detailed list for final study

b. ORB--due before winter break

c. study vocab 7, quiz 1-7 Monday

weekly announcements:

12/13 Friday Block

1. Choose a partner or group of 3--(four is too large a group)

2. Trade narratives with your partner

3. Then read your partner's narrative, and type up the following feedback for them

   (and post your feedback to GC as well)

   cut and paste these questions into a doc and answer each one:

   a. did you like the story? why or why not?

   b. what do YOU think is the life lesson?

   c. Are their character's well-developed (i.e. can you see clear differences in the personalities of the various

   characters...and for this question, tell them where in the story you saw the different personalities...did you

   see it in certain lines of dialogue? or were a character's reactions described in away that conveys personality?

   d. was the dialogue used to do more than just add dialogue or just move the story forward...did you

    get hints about character's personalities through seeing what they said?

   e. did they show or tell the life lesson (if they explain it anywhere, especially at the end, they are telling

     instead of showing?

   f. if they show the life lesson, is the life lesson clear enough? If not, what could they SHOW to make it clearer?

   g. Is there a new paragraph indent every time a new speaker of dialogue says something?

   h. are there at least two places in story where there is some figurative language, and are those examples fresh

   and original or are they cliches you've heard before?

   i. Is there a place n the story where they describe a setting in such a way that it conveys the appropriate

     mood for that place in the story?

4. When finished, use the remaining time to revise/refine your story

*you may keep your story arc at this point


a. study for Odyssey Exam--see agenda date 12/4 for detailed list for final study

b. ORB--due before winter break

c. study vocab 7, quiz 1-7 Monday

Note* at this point, feel free to work on essay as needed---you'll have part of period Monday, and all period first block;

due end of first block

12/16 Monday Traditional

1. vocab 1-7 quiz

2. Exam tips---things you should be sure to know

    why was Greece at war with Troy

    who's who (what are they known for, which side of the war are they on if applicable:

           Paris, Menelaus, Helen, Apollo, Achilles, Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus, Athena,

           Zeus, Poseidon, Polyphemus, Circe, Calypso, Hermes, Tiresias, Scylla, Charybdis, Artemis

    what are "jimson weed" and "snowdrop" and how do these plants relate to the Odyssey?

    how does Odysseus defeat Cyclops?

    what does Odysseus do to screw up his victory over Cyclops?

    what is the cost to Odysseus for defeating Cyclops?

    What are Circe and Calypso known for?

    what happens with the Trojan horse?

    why did most of the Greeks never make it home from the war (not just Odysseus and his men)?

    what happens in the Isle of the Lotus Eaters?

    what happens in the encounter with the Sirens?

    what advice does Tiresias give Odysseus?

    what happens between Odysseus, Telemachus, and Penelope when Odysseus returns home?

    what language was the Odyssey written in (hint: may be a trick question--think ;)

    what is a Rhapsode?

    what is Xenia?

    what other epic is the Odyssey a sequel to?

    major themes n Odyssey

    how/why did the Greek Pantheon deities disappear?

3. Revise/refine essay


a. study for Odyssey Exam--see agenda date 12/4 for detailed list for final study and today's date for tips

b. ORB--due this Friday

ORB example and details:

Fictional interview on non-fiction topic. Remember that though you are writing fiction

   (made up interviews) you need   to reveal the facts you learned from the book you read.

   You can use direct quotes for your answers if you cite author and page number, but quotes from the

   book are not necessary.

    Start with an MLA citation for the book you chose at top of the page.

   Underneath that, write your interview/s (if your book had multiple subjects, you can choose perhaps

   the most important 3-4 for a group interview)

   Single space individual speakers words, double space between them, and double space your heading

   and the MLA citation for the book.

   Cite the information from book you use in the interviewee's words, whether quoted or paraphrased

   e.g. (Rainford 42).

   Should be approximately 1000 words total, and should cover the important points of your outside reading book


Kendi, Ibram and Keisha Blain. Four Hundred Souls: a Community History of African America, 1619-2019.

        New York, One World, 2021.

John Doe, interviewer: What did you learn from your research?

Casey Smith, interviewee: Through reading Roland Fryer, I learned that though blacks aren't killed by police more often than whites, they are subjected to more violence when being arrested (Kendi and Blain 142).

Looking for last minute help/advice on your final essay? See the English Honor Society tutoring day:

12/18 Wednesday Block

1. Essay revisions--final essay due midnight tonight

2. ORB - check details and formatting; due Friday

3. Study for Odyssey final exam next class


a. study for Odyssey Exam--see agenda date 12/4 for detailed list for final study and 12/16 date for detailed tips

b. ORB--due this Friday--see 12/16 for details

c. Essay due midnight tonight

*want last minute advice on your narrative? see English honors essay tutoring today:

weekly announcements:

12/20 Friday Block

1. Odyssey Exam


a. ORB due midnight tonight

Have a nice winter break!

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